Your kid's routine, on your iPad

Kids need a routine. And now there's an app for that!

It's MyRoutine, an iPad app from Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tenn.

The idea stemmed from kids being scared about visits to their doctor or the hospital. But it extends way beyond health care. 

The app allows you to create a "story" for your child — from a visit to the hospital to taking the school bus to getting ready for bed — and lists the tasks they must complete. You create the tasks, associate a picture with each task and put them in the appropriate order. 

As your child completes each task, they can click on the photo to reveal "All Done!"

Think of it as a "to do" list for your kid — and something that can engage and delight them as they feel a sense of accomplishment.

Original source: MobiHealthNews