President Obama has something to share with you
/The White House wants to share. Or more precisely, they'd like you to share.
Our executive branch recently launched White House Shareables, a new section on that makes it easy to share President Obama's ideas with your circle of friends.
This is a great concept for every organization or business: Aggregate all your key messages in one place and make them easily shareable via social media.
The White House's latest entry is "What Obamacare Means for You" featuring a "white board" video that explains the Affordable Care Act. The page also includes links to key information and promotes the hashtag #getcovered, to help make spreading the word a little easier (and a lot more trackable).
Topics cover all the usual suspects — the economy, education, immigration, energy and the environment and much more on health care. There's even a "grab bag" of stuff that doesn't fit nicely into a single category. There are videos, articles and infographics galore — indeed, a grab bag of shareable goodies.