Branding that makes a splash

Basketball. Softball. Cannonball. Which sounds more fun to you?

Yeah, it's definitely swimming. 

That's what USA Swimming says — and its new branding campaign backs it up.

The campaign has some really great spots, a new website ( and an associated social media push. Even SwimToday's Twitter profile is fun:

The funnest sport there is, according to kids, moms, dads, fish, Yetis, that jogger down the street, and 11 industry-leading swimming organizations.

What a great brand message!

Basketball, softball, cannonball - what sounds the most fun to you?



Photo Friday: Washington in the Garden

Spring has finally arrived and was recently in full glorious bloom in the Boston Public Garden.

Tulips in front of the Washington statue in the Boston Public Garden, shot May 2, 2014.

Tulips in front of the Washington statue in the Boston Public Garden, shot May 2, 2014.

These Cats sure can play

Caterpillar makes massive machines that literally move mountains. 

In their ads, these big Cats also are graceful and precise. The latest is a large-scale game of Jenga played by Caterpillar's big machines.

It's surprisingly captivating. And also effective at showing how delicate these machines can be.

When we play blocks, we play BIG. "Stack" pits five Cat® machines, including Excavators and Telehandlers, against a mountain of massive JENGA® blocks. The object of the game is for heavy equipment operators to remove and then reposition a stack of 27 JENGA® blocks one at a time, without toppling the structure -- using only their Cat machines and attachments.


Source: Ads of the World

Don't forget the patient in patient engagement

Every patient is different. 

And, so it seems, is every definition of patient engagement.

No real revelation there. But it does expose a foundational imperative — where does patient engagement start?

The easy answer, of course, is with the patient. But reality shows us that it often starts with caregivers and health care administrators who channel the needs and desires of "patients" when they design "patient-centered" programs, services and facilities. After all, we are all patients, too!

There is a great deal of innovative thinking being done in the name of patient engagement. We saw a ton of it in the just completed judging for the inaugural John Q. Sherman Award for Excellence in Patient Engagement [the award winners will be announced May 15 at NPSF Patient Safety Congress in Orlando].

This creative thinking is breaking down traditional health care walls by taking care out in to the community, involving new people in caregiver support roles, inventing new ways to push information to patients and creating new social structures that empower dialogue.

The judges were impressed. 

But with every shining example of excellence in patient engagement, one fundamental question lingered — when, exactly, did they involve the patient in this discussion?

Patient engagement is about our patients, but it also needs to be by our patients (and their families!). The strategies that will indeed be sticky — the ones that will be sustainable and cause real change in both personal and population health — will be the ones that start and end with patients. To paraphrase Abraham Lincoln, they must be "of the patients, by the patients and for the patients."

So as you strategize how to improve patient engagement, make sure that discussion begins with the most critical people — your patients. And don't forget families, too!

This post originally appeared on, a blog dedicated to advancing patient and family-centered care. I am a member of the Engaging Patients Advisory Board and write for the blog. 


Student's childhood obesity ad strikes a chord

"L'obésité commence dès le plus jeune âge." Translation: "Obesity begins at a young age."

That's the message in this ad project from a Belgian design student, David Lesage. The ad gained viral traction in France when the L'Express newspaper mistook it for an ad released by the French Ministry of Health and ran it in the paper, according to a post on Adweek's AdFreak blog.

In an interview with AdFreak, Lesage said:

"I really like to work on social causes in general. I think obesity seemed to be an important subject nowadays, and it has interesting creative potential."

The ad is downright creative — and effective.

Source: Adweek