Photo Friday: Sure sign of spring
/When the daffodils appear, warmer weather is close behind.
Intersecting marketing, media & health care
Jim Rattray is an award-winning creative professional who has worked extensively in health care, education, corporations and journalism and speaks to marketing and PR audiences on using new tools for public relations, marketing, branding and patient engagement.
When the daffodils appear, warmer weather is close behind.
Even hand rails need to keep warm when it's this cold!
A glove warms the hand rail at the Orleans County Superior Courthouse in Newport, Vt., shot February 18, 2014. The U.S. Courthouse is in the background.
Driving snow obscures one of my office windows.
Morning snow storm, shot February 13, 2014.
As much as a foot of snow is presently being dumped on our little town.
With a dusting already on the ground yesterday, someone made a little hopeful snow art in Wilcox Park.
Snow art on the strolling path in Wilcox Park, shot January 2, 2014.
Jim Rattray is an award-winning creative professional who has worked extensively in health care, education, corporations and journalism and speaks to marketing and PR audiences on using new tools for public relations, marketing, branding and patient engagement.
The banner photo is of Half Dome in Yosemite National Park in California. It was taken at sunset from Glacier Point on October 1, 2012.
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