Hold a contest, build your community

Everyone likes to win something.

And even when you don't win, you probably like to play (think sweepstakes, PowerBall and trivia nights).

Now a new study from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation shows how contests can actually improve philanthropy — and expand your community.

Knight President & CEO Alberto Ibarguën says:

Contests are a wonderful device for engaging the imagination of communities.

Knight offers six lessons about how contests can boost your "community:"

  1. "Contests bring in new blood and new ideas" by exposing your organization to new people and new thinking.
  2. "Contests create value beyond the winners." Most people will never enter a contest, but Knight suggests that just by holding the contest — and having people experience it, even from the sidelines — non-profits can engender more engagement and, ultimately, support.
  3. "Contests help you spot emerging trends." One example is the emergence of data journalism and the importance of mobile apps, which came from Knight's News Challenge.
  4. "Contests will change your routine" by looking beyond traditional audiences and funding sources and allowing you to "experiment" with your brand.
  5. "Contests go hand in glove with existing program strategies" by building on existing community priorities and even kickstarting areas where your traditional efforts have fallen flat.
  6. "Contests should thoughtfully engage the community." This is probably the most important because you can engage your community to judge your contest — and that is both empowering and engaging!

But remember, as with everything, don't just do it to try something new — make sure it is part of a broad and well-considered strategy. 

Knight's best advice:

Foundations shouldn’t undertake a contest as a lark or a just-for-the-heck-of-it enterprise. The most successful are embedded in existing program strategies. They are simply a different way to tackle a foundation’s key areas of focus. 

Download and read the study: "Why Contests Improve Philanthropy: Six Lessons on Designing Public Prizes for Impact.”


A new report, “Six Lessons on Designing Public Prizes for Impact,” looks at how foundations can use contests as a powerful tool to advance their work. The report therefore offers a valuable starting point for foundations and other organizations to leverage the benefits of contests. It outlines Knight Foundation’s history and experiences with hosting challenges across all its program areas—media innovation and journalism, arts and communities. Readers can take advantage of six lessons, along with practical examples and tips, on designing public prizes for impact and running an effective contest. Also included are examples of work with specific grantees. Find out more at www.knightfoundation.org